FSSAI directs FSOs for mandatory quarterly reporting of expired and rejected food products ann

FSSAI directs FSOs for mandatory quarterly reporting of expired and rejected food products ann

Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has started a new system. Food Business Operators (FBOs) will no longer be able to sell you expired and rejected food items. FSSAI has directed FBOs to submit data regarding expired and rejected items every quarter. Under this arrangement, food business operators will now have to provide some important information, including information about food items that are rejected or expired to FSSAI.

As per the issued directive, the quantity of reject food items, which are food products which do not meet the quality standards and are rejected for sale in the market, the quantity of expired products, which are food products which have become expired or are rejected due to quality problems. Have been withdrawn from the chain. Actions taken with rejected/expired items, including quantities of products destroyed, auctioned off, or redirected for alternative use.

How will the data be collected?

The above information has to be submitted on quarterly basis through FoSCoS system. The system for collecting this data will be activated soon. Meanwhile, Food Business Operators (FBOs) are requested to start collecting the required data for the above categories. All FSSAI licensed food manufacturers [रीपैकर और रीलेबलर सहित] And importers are directed to make necessary arrangements to accurately prepare and maintain required records to avoid delays.

Order was also issued regarding food safety

Recently an order was also issued regarding food safety. In which, in view of the growth of e-commerce in the food sector, important instructions were given to the e-commerce food business operators to ensure the safety, quality and authenticity of the food products sold online and to provide safe and accurate information to the customers. Receive the offered products.

Important instructions for FBOs

According to the instructions issued by FSSAI regarding food safety, an important requirement for e-commerce food business operators is to focus on the training of last mile delivery persons. This training should include how to handle and transport foods safely, preventing them from spoiling. Additionally, any product claims made on e-commerce platforms must be fully highlighted with information provided on the product packing. Any claims not on the product packaging should also not be displayed online. E-commerce food business operators must put in place mechanisms to ensure that products listed on their platforms are in compliance with the FSS (Labeling and Display) Regulations, 2020. To maintain consumer confidence, it is also necessary to ensure that distributed food products have sufficient remaining shelf life. As per FSSAI, products should have at least 30% shelf life at the time of delivery or at least 45 days.

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